List your Mallows for sale in the MeterMallows marketplace.
Last updated
List your Mallows for sale in the MeterMallows marketplace.
Last updated
Inside your Mallow Catalog, you will see all your Mallows.
Here you are able to put in a MTRG value and list the Mallow for sale in the MeterMallows marketplace. There is no royalty for sales that happen in the MeterMallows marketplace.
After you list a Mallow for sale, it will be hidden from your Catalog, but shown in the Marketplace, under Your Offers.
When listing, there may be a few Metamask approvals required.
1) Approval for the Marketplace contract to access your MeterMallows NFT tokens. (if not approved yet)
2) Approval to list the Mallow with the MeterMallows smart contract.
After you list a Mallow for sale, it will be hidden from your Catalog, but shown in the Marketplace, under Your Offers.
You can remove the Mallow from sale by clicking the Cancel Offer button.
When canceling an offer, there will be a Metamask approval required to cancel the listing of Mallow with the MeterMallows smart contract.
In the Marketplace, you can see the section where there are Mallows available for sale.
Click on Buy Mallow to buy.
When buying a Mallow, there may be a few Metamask approvals required.
1) Approval to use your MTRG tokens with the MeterMallows smart contract. (if insufficient approved)
2) Approval to list the Mallow with the MeterMallows smart contract.